Friday, January 9, 2009

The characteristics of life

The characteristics include regularity of life, reproduction, growth and development, energy utilization, response to the environment, homeostasis, and evolutionary adaptation.

Life is very structured organized; in the hierarchy of structural levels, each level is the level of development from below. Beginning from the lowest level, atom-atom-molecule arranged into a complex biological molecules, which then become a regular organel, the components into the cells. There are organisms which consist of single cells, and there are also other organisms, which is aggregate multiseluler many types of cells that terspesialisasi and mutual cooperation. On multiseluler organisms, cells are grouped into the same network, the order of the specific networks that form the different organs, and organs join form organ systems. Individual organisms of the same species and live in a place where groups can form a population, a population-a population of many different species that live in the same form a biological community, interaction and community interaction, which also include elements from the environment abiotik form an ecosystem. Each level of biological structure has attributes not found a new level in the organization under which resulted from the interaction at a level antarkomponen.

Being able to produce live offspring through their own process of reproduction. Can reproduce the form of a cell division into two new cells. The term is generally used for the reproductive process of calling the individual a new (a aseksual, the organism from one parent, or the sexual abuse, the mother of two different organisms), although the term also describes the process of producing new cells in the process of growth.

In the process of growth, an organism is increasing the size of all or a large number of body parts. At the organism multiseluler, growth usually means that the population growth due to the process of cell multiplication cells. Growth is generally accompanied by changes in form and function of the body of living beings, that is in the process of development.

The next life is the energy that living creatures and take the energy mentransformasinya that can be used to do various jobs. This process is realized as metabolism, namely the exchange of molecules are constantly in between the parts of organisms and between organisms and the natural surroundings. Metabolism of decomposition of organic material (katabolisme) and conversion into organic component provider (anabolisme).

Being alive is also responsive to certain kinds of changes in the natural surrounding that act as stimuli. Response or the response can be different, from the contraction in the single organism bersel when touched, to complex reactions involving all senses on high-level animals. Ketanggapan this depends on the coordination of activities of the parts organismenya, the organisms in the high-level can be achieved with the hormone (in animals and plants) and with nerve and muscle (in animals only).

Mechanisms to keep the internal environment of organisms remain on the borders of the rights even if the environment continues to change eksternalnya. The process is called homeostasis. For example is the process of sweating to lower body temperature.

Life continues to grow as a result of the interaction of organisms with their environment. The ability of organisms to change over time responding to the environment is called adaptation. This capability is a basic process of evolution and is determined by hereditas organisms and substances that dimetabolisme composition and external factors.

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